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monosodium glutamate 谷胺酸鈉〔俗名味精,味素〕。


Intake of msg ( monosodium glutamate ) contraceptive tablet , anti - infection drug leaded to a higher incidence of ds . the results of paternal exposed factors multi - unconditional logistic model showed that smoke , intake of msg and hepatitis were significantly related with ds . other factors , such as drinking leaded to a higher incidence of ds 對父親單因素統計分析結果顯示:在生育ds的父親中,有吸煙史、飲酒史、肝炎患病史、味精用量較多者較對照組顯著增高,具統計意義:多因素logistic回歸分析結果表明吸煙、味精和肝炎與ds發生呈正相關。

Dehydrated vegetable , granule feedstuff , monosodium glutamate , chicken abstract , shredded coconut stuffing , organic pigment , synthetic rubber , pp fiber , medicines , medicinal materials , small wood products , plastic products , aging and solidifying of electronics elements , calcium carbonate , white carbon black dyestuff and so on 脫水蔬菜、顆粒飼料、味精、雞精、椰蓉、有機顏料、合成橡膠、丙烯纖維、藥品、藥材、小木制品、塑膠制品、電子元器件老化、固化、碳酸鈣、白炭黑染料等。

The device is to concentrate the material in the occasions such as china traditional drug 、 west drug 、 dextrose 、 amylum sugar 、 oral liquid 、 chemisty 、 foodstuff 、 monosodium glutamate and milk product and to reclaim the industrial organic solvent such as alcohol . it is suitable to concentrate the thermal sensitive material under lower temperature and vacuum with little batch number and multiple varieties 本設備適用于中藥、西藥、葡萄糖、淀粉糖、口服液、化工、食品、味精、乳品等物料濃縮與工業有機溶劑(如酒精)的回收,適用于批量小、品種多的熱敏性物料的低溫真空濃縮。

Hydraulic ejectors , made of cast iron or stainless steel , are widely used in vacuum and evaporation system to carry out vacuum evaporation , vacuum pumping , vacuum filtering , vacuum crystallizing , drying and deodorization etc . in the areas of sugar refinery , pharmaceutical , chemical , foodstuff , salt , monosodium glutamate , dairy , ferment , brewing , light industry and national defense 水力噴射器分鑄鐵和不銹鋼兩種材質,應用極為廣泛,主要適用于真空與蒸發系統,進行真空蒸發、真空抽水、真空過濾、真空結晶、干燥、脫臭等工藝,是制糖、制藥、化工、食品、制鹽、味精、牛奶、發酵、釀造、輕工、國防部門廣泛需要的設備。

Its making method is to go together green broad bean rice or green garden pea rice with the ham , pour into the iron pot to turn over to fry , and the bubble delivered the first - class and soft rice of the half an hour , boiling after adding the water up the vapor , then use the little fire to boil familiar , plus the refined salt , monosodium glutamate . etc 其格法是將青蠶豆米或青豌豆米配上火腿丁,倒進鐵鍋里翻炒一遍,再加上泡發了半小時的上等軟米,加水后煮上汽,然后用文火燜熟,加上精鹽味精等翻炒拌勻,即可上桌食用。

“ heidao ” brand river snail s main raw material is comes from the eautiful yellow beach , the pure natural non - pollution superior - yellow river snail , through our several complex working procedures , the disinfection , the processing , sorts , the retreatment , the examination , the bottling , the packing , until makes the mature product all is carries on in the aseptic workshop , this product main supplementary material has the edible salt , the monosodium glutamate , the national prickly ash , the hot pepper , the sugar and so on “黑島”牌泥螺主要原料是來自美麗的黃海灘涂、純天然無污染的上等品? ?黃泥螺,經過我們的幾道復雜工序,消毒、加工、分揀、再加工、檢驗、裝瓶、裝箱,直至制成成品都是在無菌車間進行,本產品主要輔料有食用鹽、味精、花椒、辣椒、白糖等。

However most of the sodium that is consumed by consumers in asia is added to food in the form of salt , sauces oyster sauce , soy sauce and fermented fish sauces etc or in preserved foods like salted fish , salted vegetables and pickles and processed foods such as canned soup , potato chips , cheese etc . sodium is also found in flavour enhancers such as monosodium glutamate and food preservatives such as sodium nitrate 然而,亞洲消費者攝入的鈉大部分都以食鹽醬油蠔油大豆醬油和發酵的魚醬等的形式添加到食物中,或者來自于咸魚腌菜泡菜等腌制食品,以及罐頭番茄醬奶酪等加工食品。香味劑和防腐劑中也含有鈉,如谷氨酸鈉和硝酸鈉。

My greatest pleasure during this period was to return to my living quarters after work and have a bowl of simple soup made of mineral water , noodles , vegetables and a pinch of monosodium glutamate . the concoction tasted just marvelous and i felt as if i were in heaven every time i ate it 而我最大的享受,則是工作后回到住所,煮碗簡單的湯面:礦泉水面條和青菜煮在一起,再加少許味素,吃在嘴里,感覺味道特別香美,簡直就像置身天堂一樣。

It is suitable for automatic packaging of loose , nonsticky , granular and thick powder products in the pharmarceeutical , the food , the plant , the chemical products , such as instant drink , pellet , monosodium glutamate , white sugar , soup stuff , black coffee , wheat groats etc 適用于醫藥、食品、植物種子、化工等產品的松散狀無粘性粗粉狀、顆粒狀物料的自動包裝,如:沖劑、小丸、味精、白糖、湯料、麥片等。

It is suitable for automatic packging of loose , granular and thick powder products in the pharmarceeutical , the food , the plant germ , the chemical products , suchas instant drink , pellet , monosodium glutamate , white sugar , soup stuff , black coffee wheatgroats etc 適用于醫藥、食品、植物種子、化工等產品中的松散狀無粘性粗粉狀、顆粒狀和料的自動包裝如:沖劑、小丸、味精、白糖、湯料、麥片等。

Shandong fufeng fermentation co . ltd is mainly engaged in producing and managing fermentation products . it annually produces 80 , 000 tons of monosodium glutamate , 130 , 000 tons of starch and 1000 tons of xanthan gum 單位介紹山東阜豐發酵有限公司主要致力于生物制品的研發、生產和銷售,現年產味精8萬噸,淀粉13萬噸,黃原膠1000噸,復混肥8萬噸,另發電6000萬度。

Shandong fufeng fermentation co . ltd is mainly engaged in producing and managing fermentation products . it annually produces 80 , 000 tons of monosodium glutamate , 130 , 000 tons of starch and 1000 tons of xanthan gum 山東阜豐發酵有限公司主要致力于生物制品的研發、生產和銷售,現年產味精8萬噸,淀粉13萬噸,黃原膠1000噸,復混肥8萬噸,另發電6000萬度。

They may be citric acid , monosodium glutamate , borax , ammonium sulphate , compound fertilizer , piece of radish , bean , less , seed , mine reside and sugar , in chemical , pharmaceutical , foodstuff , grain , mine and so on industries 物料自進料口進入機內,在激振力作用下,物料沿水平方向拋擲向前連續運動,熱風穿過流化床孔板向上穿過同物料換熱后,

Medical function : antipyretic , alleviating pain , protecting liver , lowering blood sugar levelsin food industry taurine can be added to dairy products , beverage , monosodium glutamate and bean products 在醫療制藥方面,本品具有解熱鎮痛保肝降血糖維持正常視覺功能調節神經傳導調節脂類代謝.在食品工業上,可添加于乳制品飲料復合味精及豆制品中

In food industry taurine can be added to dairy products , beverage , monosodium glutamate and bean products . taurine can accelerate the differentiation and development of nerve cell , enhance immunocompetence 本品亦可用作表面活性劑、調濕劑、乳化劑、熒光增白劑、 ph緩沖劑、洗滌劑中間體和化學試劑,水產、動物養殖飼料添加劑等領域。

Add the cilantro rice with 1 tsp salt and 2 tbsp of oil and a dash of natural monosodium glutamate separately . add the vegetable mixture to the rice and combine thoroughly . cook for about 10 - 15 minutes on low heat 大米中加入一茶匙鹽兩大匙油及少許天然味素煮成飯,再加入炒好的蔬菜,混合均勻,以小火燜十至十五分鐘即可。

This machine is applicable to package of puffed food , prawn cracker , peanut , cornmeal , monosodium glutamate , melon seeds , white sugar , salt and powder and granular which are difficult to stick 該機械適用于膨化食品、蝦條、花生、麥片、味精、瓜子、白糖、食鹽及不易粘附粉狀物、顆粒狀的包裝。

Throughout most asian countries including myanmar msg monosodium glutamate - known locally as ajinomoto - is still used in food preparation in some restaurants 貫穿包括緬甸在內的亞洲大多數國家,谷氨酸單鈉味精-本地百姓稱之為“阿基諾磨朵”仍被一些餐館當做食物調味品使用。

I ' m not sure . but it is frequently brought up by tiredness , aggravation and low blood sugar . monosodium glutamate ( msg ) , cheese and red wine never fail 我不知道。但經常是因為疲勞、生氣和低血糖引起。味精、奶酪和紅酒全都會引發。